Derby City Council issues an Apology following BBC Broadcasts

On BBC Radio Derby Martyn Williams Show this afternoon it was reported that Derby City Council had issued another statement following last weeks TV News and Radio interviews. What they said is that they were indeed referring people to the centre and that they apologised for denying this and for misinformation.

We will post here last weeks BBC Radio Derby Broadcast and also tonight’s bulletin as soon as they are available. Recordings of the BBC East Midlands Broadcast’s from the afternoon, evening and late shows from the 07/09/2017 will be published on our web page and here when we have them.

The media coverage has had a fantastic impact on our fund raising. All of the fundraising information and how to donate can be found here on our website If you wish to donate but don’t want to use the GOFUNDME campaign you can donate using the other options. The GOFUNDME campaign 10,000 £1 monthly donations headline is to help focus on the amount of money needed to run the centre for a whole year. Its an equivalent amount to show how much impact 10,000 £1 donations a month from a population of over 200,000 in Derby can have. There are no restrictions, so please donate whatever you can through whichever fundraising channel you feel is best.

Everyone involved with the centre are touched by all of the donations, help and support we have received in the last week, god bless.

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