Mental Health Support

Whilst we do our best to offer mental health support we are not always available. We have collected some useful information together here for you with a few links for you to use as well as phone number. If you need help or you think that someone you know does, please do not hesitate to reach out for help or advice.
Our mental health is our most precious resource. During stressful times it can be difficult to look after our minds in the way we look after our bodies. Yet, just as hunger pangs tell us that we need to eat, and our thirst tells us that we need to drink, our feelings are telling us that we have other needs too.
Feelings of anxiety and panic may seem overwhelming; they are our bodies’ way of telling us that things are too much, so learning to breathe deeply and slow down are as important as eating and drinking for our mental health.
Every feeling that we have is important overall, and as we start to listen to ourselves, we can begin to identify times when we might need to reach out for some extra help.
We have included information which can be helpful when you need some extra support.
Saneline is open from 4.30-10.30pm: 0300 304 7000
Papyrus HOPELINE UK is available for anyone aged under 35 0800 068 4141 Weekdays 10am-10pm, weekends 2pm-10pm
Text 07786 209697, email:
Campaign against living miserably CALM for anyone identifying as male. 0800 58 58 58 open from 5pm-12pm every day. They also have a webchat service.
The Silver Line is open for older people 24 hours a day 0800 470 80 90
Samaritans are open 24 hours a day email or Tel 116 123
Switchboard LGBT+ helpline 0300 330 0630 10am-10pm everyday There is also a live chat facility.
Text SHOUT to 85258 anytime night or day to chat by text and share your worries with people who have been specially trained to help. This service should be free on most networks.
The most important thing to remember about our mental health is that sometimes trying to carry on alone is not helpful. The very act of reaching out can lead to different ways of learning to handle difficult feelings, and over time new ways of coping and healing will take place.