We feel that a women-only space provides a safe, welcoming and non-judgemental environment for women to come to access support. Some of the women who come to the centre have been through traumatic experiences such as domestic abuse and might feel intimidated if they thought that men would be around. A lot of the women who come to the centre value an all-female space where they can build a support network with other women.
Unfortunately we are not able to provide crèche facilities at Derby Women’s Centre.
There is a pay-and-display car park on Wilmot Street, which is very near to the centre. The car park next to the centre is very small and is currently reserved for staff parking so we ask that service users don’t use this space when visiting. This is a private car park that does not belong to us, and for which we have some allocation for staff parking. Only permit holders are allowed to park here and we do not have permission for service users to use these spaces.
Leopold Street is regularly patrolled by a traffic warden and if you park on the road outside the building, be aware that you’re running the risk of picking up a ticket.
We aim to provide free services where possible but in some cases, we will need to implement charges, notably for counselling and complementary therapies. Beyond this, charges attached to a particular service or activity will be highlighted on the relevant pages of the website (and on Facebook, Twitter and in the ebulletin).
You can sign up to receive our monthly ebulletin to get the latest news and information from the centre straight into your inbox. Alternatively, you can like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter, which we also use to provide updates on what’s we’re up to.
All donations – however big or small – will be gratefully received. Our Donate page provides more information on our current fundraising campaigns and how to donate by text message, credit/debit card, cheque or in-person.